BlackBerry Playbook to Battle IPad

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BlackBerry Playbook to Battle IPad

The PlayBook’s specs are impressive on paper. A 1GHz dual-core ARM processor, and multitasking based on RIM’s QNX technology.

By touting these specs, Research In Motion is obviously trying to execute some serious one-upmanship vis-a-vis the iPad–even when allowing for the fact that the PlayBook won’t appear until the first quarter, when Apple could potentially deliver a better iPad. Vaporware? Yes, at the moment. And building a large library of apps for the PlayBook is also problematic. But it’s nonetheless an interesting exercise to speculate on it, since the PlayBook is garnering a lot of attention.

My first question is, will Apple have a dual-core iPad by then? A second core may seem like a trivial spec to some, but it can make a big difference (just witness the leap in performance that PCs made when Intel went dual-core).

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